25 Elements Of An Emotionally Healthy Life

elements of emotionally healthy life
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Did you know that your emotions dictate your state of mind?

This means that to keep your state of mind intact, it’s necessary to have and maintain emotional balance and health. That way, you can make it through even the toughest of times.

You see, most people don’t realize that emotional health is just as, if not more, important as physical health, and it can impact every aspect of your life, from your relationships to your work.

When you’re emotionally healthy, you’re better equipped to handle stress, communicate effectively, and make decisions that align with your values.

But What is Emotional Health?

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You hear about “physical health” all the time and know what that is like the back of your hand.

But what about “emotional health?” What does it entail?

Simply put, emotional health means being able to understand and manage your emotions in a productive way. It’s about being able to handle the ups and downs of life without getting stuck in a negative emotional state. It’s like having a toolbox full of healthy coping mechanisms that you can use when life throws you a curveball.

  • It’s being able to say “no” without feeling guilty.
  • It’s being responsive versus reactive.
  • It’s the ability to talk about your emotions with others.
  • It’s accepting your emotions when you have them instead of trying to bury the ones you think are “negative.”
  • It’s being able to bounce back from difficulties faster because you handle your internal self first.
  • It’s being adaptable and resilient.
  • It’s establishing – AND KEEPING – the boundaries you set for yourself.

So, if you want to live a happy, fulfilling, joyful life, you gotta take care of your emotional health too.

Keep reading to explore some tips and strategies for doing just that. Are you ready to get your emotional health in check? Let’s dive in!

25 Must-Have Elements for an Emotionally Healthy Life

  1. Friends. When you have good friends to talk to and socialize with, your life is more fulfilling. And you don’t need a lot; just a few you can count on!
  2. Loving Family. Having a loving family will get you through many trying times. But if you don’t have a family, don’t worry! You can create your own “family” by surrounding yourself with people who love you (they don’t have to always be blood).
  3. Hobbies. Everybody need hobbies they adore. Make sure you make time for hobbies that you love and provide you with an escape from everyday stressors.
  4. Regular Movement. Notice I didn’t just use the word “exercise.” Your body needs to move, not just for physical wellness, but for emotional health as well. Move your body in some way each day, whether it’s a walk around the block, stretching, playing with the kids, walking in place while watching TV, or anything else that suits you to get the blood pumping and release those healthy hormones.
  5. Learning. Adopt the mantra, “You’re never too old to learn something new.” For example, a photography class this year and learning to speak Italian the next will keep your mind working by frequently learning something new. They say if we don’t use, we lose it. And we don’t want to lose our mental capabilities!
  6. Practice mindfulness and gratitude daily. All it takes is a few minutes every day to reflect on what you’re thankful for and to be present in the moment to improve your overall emotional well-being. Try it and tell me I’m wrong. 😉
  7. Word Games. Or perhaps logic puzzles (my personal favorite). If word games or puzzles just aren’t your thing, do something that will keep your mind sharp and focused.
  8. Bubble Baths. You can relax, let your mind wander, and think about whatever you like – something positive preferably. Make it your time that no one can take from you. Relax your body and mind by taking a nice long bubble bath and don’t forget your fave essential oils or epsom salt!
  9. Speak Up. When you disagree with someone, let them know your thoughts and feelings in a positive way and immediately. After all, you’ve got just as much right to your opinion as the other person. When you appropriately speak up, you feel better and respect yourself more.
  10. Let Go. Although there are times to speak up, there are also times to let something go. If you have feelings that are less than helpful for you, let it go!
  11. Use Visualization. Visualization is a very effective method for solving a challenging issue, getting closer to your goals, and simply imagining a better life. If you can’t visualize the achievement of your goals, it will be very challenging to achieve them.
    Related article: The Dirty Truth About Visualization
  12. Respect Yourself. Although simply said, respecting yourself can take some effort. You are just as important as everyone else. You have a right to be respected but it starts with you. If you don’t respect yourself, why should others?
  13. Respect Others. In the same vein, when you demonstrate respect toward others, you feel better about yourself and the other person.
  14. Keep promises and be a person of your word. Be wise about making promises. Just as important, keep the promises you make.
  15. Be more confident. Easier said than done, right? I know! But know that when you believe that you can do something, you can. So figure out how to be more confident. Perhaps, it’s reading more articles like this one – 7 Techniques to Improve Self-Confidence – or watching how people you admire move and asking them their confidence tips. Either way, it’s a lifelong thing, and not something you get one time!
  16. Create a Sanctuary. No matter who you are or where you live, you deserve to have a place to escape to when the world gets crazy. Even if you have a large family, find that one space, chair or corner of the room that you can make yours. Then, make it your own haven.
  17. Work. When you can get excited about the work you do, you strengthen your emotional health. Find work that you enjoy and make it an important part of your life.
  18. Do Good Deeds. Doing things for others helps you blossom. Go ahead and do something good for another human being and reap the benefits.
    Related article: Kindness on Steroids
  19. Volunteer. Choose a charity or organization that resonates with you. Then contribute to their mission and bottom line by volunteering and giving of yourself just because you want to. Plus, the natural side effect that is great for your emotional health is that you feel good doing so!
  20. Self-Care First. Prioritize yourself as the most important person in your life. Yes, over the kids and the spouse! This means taking the time to listen to your own needs and emotions, and making sure you are taking care of yourself first. Why? Because you can’t give from an empty cup!
  21. Adventure. Nothing renews your zest for life like an adventure. Whether it’s a trip to a new place or a walk through an area in your city you’ve never explored, have adventures more often. And you don’t have to travel far away to have an adventure either. Adventure awaits you near and far from home!
  22. Good Nutrition. When you look better, you feel better. When you eat more nutritiously, you look and feel better. Good nutrition contributes to better emotional health.
  23. Music. With the digital devices and streaming services we have today, there’s just no reason not to have your favorite music with you. Mix it up and create playlists for different moods and occasions.
  24. Keep a Journal. When you write down your feelings, you feel lighter. You understand yourself better. You process your challenging feelings and are then ready to let them go. Great for emotional health!
  25. Reflection. Self-reflection and going deep within yourself are extremely beneficial ways you can intentionally grow and develop beyond where you are today. After all, take heed to the Greek aphorism “know thyself“, which Socrates expounded upon by saying, “The unexamined life is not worth living.
    Related reading87 Self-Reflection Questions, Exercises & Worksheets

Over to You

Live an emotionally healthy and enriching life by including these elements in your life and self-care routine.

What are some things you’re doing to keep yourself emotionally healthy? Chime in!

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Hiya, I'm Kesha. I'm the Head Escaper around these parts ready to help you break some rules, defy expectations, and create that juicytastic, wondermous, happyful life you want and deserve. Follow me on Instagram. Let's hang!

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