5 Harsh Life Truths You Need to Know (To Make You A Better Person)

harsh truths you need to know
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You know how they say the “truth hurts.”

Yeah, well, unfortunately, the cliche is ever so true!

However, contrary to another popular cliche, “you can’t handle the truth,” I’m going to challenge you to take heed to the harsh truths listed below, only if to make you a better person overall!

Once you get past the shock and surprise (and know there are solutions and another perspective), you can start to think differently and change your attitude.

Failing to understand these truths makes life confusing and dissatisfying.

As they say, see the truth and it will set you free!

5 Harsh Life Truths You Need to Know

  1. You have an expiration date. Yes, that means that you will die at some point. You know it but do you really LIVE like you know it??? That simple fact makes a lot of people afraid and jittery and sad, but I look at it like this: because I know that death could be a moment away, I need to try to make the best of every living moment I can and have as much fun, love, and happiness as I can. This makes me not sweat the small stuff, remove myself from other people’s drama, and just do me as authentically as I can. I don’t want any regrets when I do leave this wonderful earth.

    In addition, I agree with Science Daily when they say,

    “Thinking about death can actually be a good thing. An awareness of mortality can improve physical health and help us re-prioritize our goals and values, according to a new analysis of recent scientific studies.”
  2. You can’t control or change others…regardless of how much you might try! This may be the hardest lesson to learn, especially where romantic relationships are concerned.

    You find someone that comes close to what you’re looking for, except for a few rough areas. You’re certain you can turn them into something you can live with. In most cases, you’d be wrong.

    People naturally resist being controlled or changed. Think about how hard it is to change yourself even when YOU want to change. You want to eat better, lose weight, hit the gym every day, and save more money. But 99% of the time you can’t make those changes, without developing discipline, focus, and dedication!

    Now, imagine how hard it would be to change someone that doesn’t want to change. Then add on the fact that they’re resentful and resisting your efforts. You have NO chance! Accept people for what they are.

    Either change your expectations or expect to be disappointed.
  3. Failure is normal. Failure is par for the course. Expect to experience more failures than you can count before attaining results on your goals – and that’s a GOOD thing.

    Think of it like this: failing tells you where to adjust and what doesn’t work so you are that much closer to what does. The only way to avoid failure is to never try. Never trying is the perfect strategy to ensure that you never experience success but I know that’s not what you really want.

    I like to say there is no failure…only lessons!

    The trick is to learn to deal with failure effectively. It’s nothing more than an undesirable result and there’s no reason to take it personally. Adjust your approach and try again.
  4. People WILL let you down, especially those closest to you. Strangers are the not the ones with the power to cause much distress like our family and friends. Those closest to us know how to push our buttons, know details about us that they use to manipulate us, and have many ways to guilt us into their submission.

    Sounds horrible, right? Well, a lot of times, they don’t even know they’re doing it! Note: this doesn’t give them a free pass to mistreat you though!

    However, don’t go around mistrusting everyone. You have to learn to discern how to deal with different people, who to let in, and who to not give your all to. Use your intuition always. Even still, you will be disappointed, let down, and screwed over at some point.

    That’s life and there’s no way to get around it, unfortunately. If you can have more satisfying situations than disappointing ones, you’re winning.
  5. Anything worth having won’t be easy to obtain. That goes for people, things, and goals. If you have a strong desire for something, just know that it will take deliberate practice, focus, and time to get it. My girl Betty Wright in her No Pain, No Gain song, said it best:

    Anything worth havin’ at all is worth workin’ for and waitin’ for…

    Want a successful business? It’s not gonna happen right out the gate. Want a great relationship? It’s not gonna happen in the first 2 weeks, heck not even the first year often. Want to amass riches? Probably not gonna happen in a year or 5 years or even 10 years.

    The bigger the goal, the more patience you need to have. Just commit to whatever it is you want and enjoy the journey and when you ultimately do get what you want, you will love it that much more!

Over to You

What truths have you learned in your lifetime? How has that helped you deal with the world and yourself? Chime in below!

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Hiya, I'm Kesha. I'm the Head Escaper around these parts ready to help you break some rules, defy expectations, and create that juicytastic, wondermous, happyful life you want and deserve. Follow me on Instagram. Let's hang!

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