How To Confidently Embrace Your Quirky Side
Quirks. We all have ’em.
Your quirky side is something to be proud of and celebrate, not hide. Embrace your quirky side to express yourself, have fun, and boost your confidence!
Here are a few of my behavior quirks…
- When I’m thinking deeply about something or am anxious, I bite the inside of my cheeks.
- If no one else is around me on the highway, I’ll see if I can change lanes smoothly without hitting the reflectors. I make it a game! LOL
- When we enter a new state while traveling via car, I say a quick cheer for that State – dance and all. I blame my friend, Nikki, for this one!
- When I pour water, I pour it like a bartender doing tricks.
- I laugh loud. VERY loud. It’s contagious though. 😉
- I am completely comfortable with pauses and silence in conversation.
- If I come to your house and see that the toilet paper is hanged “under,” I’ll switch it. Most people don’t even notice the change! (by the way, where are you on the big toilet paper debate?)
- I rub one of my thighs or my belly to self-soothe.
- I overly use exclamation marks!!!
- Feel naked without earrings in public.
We all have quirks, that part of us that is different from the norm, that makes us stand out from the crowd.
Maybe you tap or stroke your chin constantly when you’re thinking, or perhaps you’re a ventriloquist, or know a lot of useless trivia and everyone wants you on their team.
Or maybe you giggle at bad news as a coping mechanism, or you have a unique speech pattern, or laugh long and loud to the point of snorting (okay, this one is me!).
Whatever it is, you have a unique combination of traits that make you the one and only you. And there’s a whole lot of freedom involved when you learn to accept yourself and the idiosyncrasies that make you special.
Related Post: I love this post on where people reveal their oddest quirks!
How to Identify Your Quirks

Think about what makes you different from others, what makes you happy, what makes you laugh, what makes you curious, what makes you excited.
Write down a list of your quirks and qualities, and see how they shape your identity and personality.
You can also ask your favorite and trusted peeps what they notice about you that you may not even be aware of.
Combine all of this together to give you a full view of what could be considered your quirks.
Benefits of Embracing Your Quirky Side
Embracing your quirky side is not always easy, but it is definitely rewarding. Here are some benefits you’ll experience when you embrace your quirky self.
- Live authentically. You can make your own decisions instead of going along with the crowd. Spend time on activities that are meaningful for you, regardless if they’re viewed as quirky. Let your genuine nature shine through. You’ll attract people who appreciate your true personality.
- Boost your confidence. Feel comfortable with yourself. Take pleasure in who you are and what you do. Be driven by your passions regardless of whether they match the current trends.
Related Post: 7 Techniques to Improve Your Confidence - Develop your skills. Your quirks may be trying to tell you something. Use them to identify your natural talents as they can enrich your life and/or career. You never know where these new skills may take you.
- Become more tolerant. Coming to terms with your own peculiarities can help you to be more open-minded about those around you. Celebrate other people’s quirks as well.
- Connect with like-minded people. By being yourself, you can attract people who appreciate you for who you are and who share your values and interests. You can also learn from others who have different perspectives and experiences and broaden your horizons.
- Manage stress. Your odd habits may also offer clues about constructive ways for you to relieve the stresses of daily life. Do you find yourself turning to music or cooking when you feel anxious?
How to Embrace Your Quirky Side

Quirks make you more interesting and I want you to celebrate them! So check out these ideas on how you can embrace your quirky side.
- Show off your quirks. Don’t hide or suppress your quirks, but express them openly and confidently. Wear clothes that reflect your style, decorate your space with items that represent your interests, pursue hobbies that make you happy, share jokes that make you laugh, speak up about topics that matter to you.
- Find your tribe. Seek out people who share your quirks or appreciate them. Join clubs or groups that cater to your interests, attend events or activities that showcase your talents, follow blogs or podcasts that inspire you, connect with friends or family who support you.
- Spend some time alone. Quiet time and solitude will help you get in touch with your quirky side. Find out what you like to do when no one is watching. Observe how you tackle challenges or organize a complex task.
- Look back in time. Thinking back to your childhood can also be revealing. You may find that you have hidden interests that go beyond your professional or family life. Have you always loved cats or been fascinated by machinery? What comes up for you when you think about things you used to do as a child?
- Question conventional wisdom. Independent thinking triggers all kinds of breakthroughs. Your innovative approach to a project at work could create a better customer experience or reduce processing time. Your friends may be inspired by the novel way you tie a scarf or how you clean your home effortlessly.
- Broaden your experiences. Having the courage to own your quirks can lead to some fun adventures. As you try new things, you’ll increase your knowledge about yourself and your surroundings. Your personality will grow richer.
- Express yourself creatively. By letting your imagination run wild, you can create something unique and meaningful that reflects your personality and vision. You can also share your creations with others and inspire them with your originality and flair.
- Lighten up. Most of all, relax and let go of rigid expectations. There are many ways to be an outstanding person. Follow your quirks to design the path that best suits your unique abilities.
Remember that being quirky is not a flaw, but a strength!
Over to you…
Your quirky side is something to be proud of and celebrate, not hide or suppress. It can help you discover yourself, express yourself, connect with others, have fun, and boost your confidence. So don’t be afraid to be yourself, be quirky!
What are some of your quirks? Let me know in the comments! #InquiringMindsWannaKnow