16 Painless Tricks To Overcome Sunday Night Anxiety

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What is Sunday Night Anxiety?

Sunday night anxiety (or by it’s other common names -the Sunday Scaries, Sunday Night Blues, Sunday Syndrome, Sunday Dread) is a real emotional condition characterized by a creeping sense of dread and nervousness about the week ahead. As you watch the sun dip below the horizon on a Sunday evening, you might start to feel a vague unease and restlessness, perhaps accompanied by stomach issues or irritability.

Is this you? Do you find yourself experiencing these Sunday Scaries symptoms?

Psychologists call it “anticipatory anxiety,” according to CNN.com.

But when did Sunday night get so scary?

The term “Sunday Scaries” was first documented in an Urban Dictionary entry in 2009, but the concept has been around much longer than that. Austrian author, psychotherapist, and philosopher Viktor E. Frankl referred to the phenomenon as “Sunday Neurosis” in his memoir Man’s Search for Meaning, published in the mid-1900s​, according to Monster.com.

Understanding Sunday Night Anxiety

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I remember there was a time when I dreaded Sundays and it seemed like that anxious, nagging, dreadful feeling started at 3 pm without fail EVERY Sunday!


Maybe I was mad that Sundays meant my weekend was coming to a close.

Maybe I felt cheated because Saturday went by so fast.

Maybe I was dreading work on Monday.

Or perhaps, I just didn’t want to have to go to bed early, set the alarm, and get my clothes out for the next day.

However, I found that I wasn’t alone and more people than I realized felt the same way.

For many people, Sunday night anxiety served as the prelude to Monday morning blues!

According to new LinkedIn research, 80% of professionals experience the Sunday Scaries, with over 90% of Millennials and Generation Z reporting they feel it.
Understanding Sunday Night Anxiety
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Image Credit: LinkedIn

Over 50% said the feelings are severe. Woooow, that’s a lot of people who are feeling anxious, bad, and dreadful on Sundays!!

Causes of Sunday Night Anxiety

So, what triggers this peculiar case of the Sunday Scaries?

Well, it can stem from a variety of sources.

  • Maybe it’s the thought of your demanding boss waiting for you Monday morning, or the dread of that challenging project you’ve been assigned at work.
  • Perhaps it’s the realization that you’re about to dive headfirst into a week filled with errands, socializing, exercising, meal preparations, and more, with little time for relaxation or hobbies.
  • Or, it might be something as simple as your least favorite class being the first one on Monday morning.

The root cause can be as unique as you are, but ultimately, it often boils down to the hard truth that two days off sometimes just isn’t enough to fully recharge!

Get Rid of Sunday Night Anxiety Once and For All

There is good news though! You can reclaim your Sundays (and Mondays) with a positive, systematic approach. Check out these 16 painless tips and tricks to help you have better Sundays and beat Sunday night dread.

Steps to Take on Friday

  1. Complete outstanding tasks. Start the next week with a clean slate. Tie up all loose ends by finishing projects if possible. If you are in the middle of a major undertaking, pause at a stage where it will be easy to resume.Write up a list.
  2. Outline what you need to accomplish the following week. You’ll be able to use your notes as a reminder when you get back. You’ll also feel more relaxed when you have a clear picture of what to expect.
  3. Clear away clutter. It may be tempting to run out the door, but take a few minutes to tidy up. That way a clean desk will greet you on Monday morning.
  4. Buy desktop organizers that will keep documents you’re still using orderly and out of sight until they’re ready to be filed.
  5. Make a clean break. Once you take care of your responsibilities, give yourself permission to focus on your personal life. Give your home and family your full attention.
  6. Visualize your weekend. Picture the activities that restore your energies. In addition to the necessary errands and household repairs, schedule time for brunch with your best friend or a trip to the nearest ice skating rink with your children or my favorite, take time for self!

Steps to Take on Sunday

  1. Go to bed early. A full night’s sleep will make it easier to rise on Monday. You may even be able to get up an hour in advance so you feel less rushed.
  2. Plan a special breakfast. Food helps to lift our spirits. Chop up a pineapple to add to your yogurt and get some protein or stop off for a fancy coffee drink.
  3. Lose yourself in something you love. Become absorbed in a favorite activity that seems to make the hours fly by. Play the piano or read to your children. Take out a good book you’ve been meaning to get back to and read a few chapters. That can certainly help relieve some stress!
  4. Help others. Reaching out to others is one of the most constructive ways to take our minds off our own worries. Visit an elderly neighbor. Volunteer at a local hospital. You get the drift. 🙂

Steps to Take Every Day

  1. Face challenges head on. Reduce anxiety by confronting any underlying issues causing you to dread going to work. Talk with your supervisor about setting realistic expectations instead of letting issues build up.
  2. Exercise regularly. Physical activity is a great antidote for stress. Aim for a 30 minute workout most days of the week.
  3. Rely on your support system. Turn to your family and friends for empathy and encouragement. Do the same for them.
  4. Practice relaxation methods. Attend yoga classes, listen to soft music, or take a warm bath. Find a quiet corner where you can sit and meditate.
  5. Adjust your commute. Getting to the office may be a job in itself. If you must commute long distances, see if you can make the trip more pleasant by listening to an audiobook or your favorite tunes.
  6. Evaluate your career. Stay fresh by reviewing your career path every 6 months. Ask yourself if your work is meaningful or if it’s time to change directions. It just might be time to get a new job if you’re dreading going into work!

Over to you…

Once I understood how to reclaim my time, my mental health, and have fun with every waking minute, I slowly but surely got over the Sunday night anxiety feelings and even the Monday morning blues!

Now, I challenge you to do any and all of the steps above to ease anxiety on Sunday nights and enjoy EVERY day!

How do you deal with Sunday Scaries? What other tips do you have to get rid of Sunday night anxiety once and for all?

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Hiya, I'm Kesha. I'm the Head Escaper around these parts ready to help you break some rules, defy expectations, and create that juicytastic, wondermous, happyful life you want and deserve. Follow me on Instagram. Let's hang!

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