Stand Out Like a Fruit Loop: The Power of Being Different in a Cheerios World
In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.
Coco Chanel
The Cost of Being Average
Think about this…
The “average” or “typical” or “ordinary” person doesn’t become a world-renowned leader, achieve extraordinary success, or experience significant personal growth.
You can’t make a mark on the world by merely blending in. You need to learn to distinguish yourself from everybody else and give yourself an edge.
When you don’t, you pay the cost – the cost of being “average,” of being “normal,” of being “ordinary.”
Being average, normal, or mediocre might seem like the safe and comfortable choice, but it comes with its own set of costs. Here are a few:
- Limited Growth. When you choose to be average, you limit your potential for growth. You settle for the status quo instead of pushing your boundaries and stepping out of your comfort zone, which is where REAL growth happens.
- Missed Opportunities. Being average often means following the crowd and doing what’s expected. This can lead to missed opportunities for innovation, creativity, and making a real impact.
- Lack of Fulfillment. When you’re just going through the motions and not striving for excellence, it can lead to a lack of fulfillment. You might feel like you’re not living up to your potential, which can lead to dissatisfaction and regret.
- Invisibility. In a world where everyone is striving to stand out, being average can make you invisible. You blend into the crowd instead of standing out and making your mark.
- Complacency. Being average can lead to complacency. You might stop challenging yourself, stop learning, and stop growing. This can lead to stagnation, both personally and professionally.
- Lack of Influence. When you’re just one of the crowd, it’s hard to have a significant influence. People are drawn to those who stand out, who offer something unique and valuable.
Nuff said!
What Being Different Is and Isn’t

Going back to Coco Chanel’s quote above, she truly made a statement with this quote – as she had done in her life!
First, I love that Coco, a revolutionary figure in the fashion world, encapsulates the essence of individuality and uniqueness with this quote.
Secondly, it is a call to embrace our distinctiveness and to resist the urge to conform to societal norms and expectations.
So with that, let’s talk about what being different is and what it isn’t in the context of your personal growth.
- Being different means being authentic to who you are, embracing your quirks, your strengths, and even your weaknesses. It’s about not being afraid to stand out from the crowd, to voice your opinions, and to follow your own path, even if it’s not the one most traveled. It’s about daring to dream, daring to challenge, and daring to change.
- Being different is not about being better or worse than others, but about being irreplaceable. It’s about bringing something unique to the table, something that only you can offer. It’s about adding value in your own unique way, and in doing so, making a difference in the world. And, yes, you DO have something unique!
- Being different means embracing your personal journey, with all its twists and turns. It means recognizing that your path to growth and success may look different from others, and that’s okay. It’s about celebrating your progress, no matter how small, and recognizing that every step forward, no matter how tiny, is a step in the right direction.
So, dare to be different. Dare to be you. Because you are unique, you are special, and you are irreplaceable!
The Power of Being Different
Let’s face it, our society rewards conformity.
Think about your life. What are some ways you’ve been just going along with the ideals of society even when you know they’re not your true desires?
Perhaps, in your professional life, you’re adhering to the ‘rules of the game’ to secure stability and advancement. While this can be beneficial, you have to question if these rules align with your personal values and ambitions. Are you pursuing a path that truly fulfills you, or are you simply fitting into a pre-defined role?
Or maybe on your educational journey, you pursued a field of study because it was expected of you. Or did you select it because it was in YOUR best interest?
You may have to journal the question to reflect on how you might be conforming even though it doesn’t serve you.
This is why it takes A LOT of courage to break away from the crowd. But it’s in this divergence from the norm that the true power of being different lies.

Being different isn’t about being contrary for the sake of it. It’s about embracing your unique perspective, your individual talents, and your personal journey. It’s about recognizing that your value doesn’t lie in how well you fit into a pre-existing mold, but in how you reshape that mold through your unique contributions.
Oliver Gaspirtz said,
Ordinary people are products of their environment and fit in. Artists transcend their environment and stand out.
This quote encapsulates the essence of being different. It’s about transcending the environment, the expectations, and the norms to create a truly unique and valuable you.
Here’s why being different is so powerful:
- Innovation. When you think differently, you see possibilities that others don’t. This unique perspective can lead to innovative solutions and ideas that push boundaries and drive progress.
- Authenticity. Being different means being true to who you are. This authenticity is magnetic. It draws people to you and makes you a person of influence. Authenticity can’t be faked, and it can’t be replicated, making it a powerful tool in your arsenal.
- Resilience. When you’re used to being different, you develop a resilience that others may lack. You’re used to facing challenges and overcoming them, making you stronger and more adaptable.
- Impact. By being different, you have the power to make a real impact. You can challenge the status quo, inspire others, and make an impact in ways that those who follow the crowd can’t.
As Albert Einstein once said,
The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.
This quote speaks to the power of being different. It’s about daring to walk alone, to explore uncharted territories, and to discover new possibilities.
Note: I want to say here, though, don’t think that ‘alone’ means doing everything by yourself. You want to find people like you who are striving for authenticity and being different as well so you can have your tribe!
Why Being Different Makes You Irreplaceable

Your uniqueness makes you irreplaceable. Here’s why:
- Your Unique Perspective. Being different means you see the world in a unique way. You have a perspective that no one else has. This unique viewpoint can lead to innovative ideas, creative solutions, and fresh insights that others may overlook.
- Your Distinctive Skills and Talents. Each of us has a unique combination of skills, talents, and experiences. These distinctive attributes make you valuable in a way that no one else can replicate. They allow you to contribute in a unique way, making you an irreplaceable asset.
- Your Individual Journey. Your personal journey, with all its triumphs and trials, has shaped you into the person you are today. This journey is unique to you, and it gives you a depth of understanding and empathy that can’t be duplicated.
- Your Authenticity. When you embrace your differences, you’re being authentic. This authenticity draws people to you, makes them trust you, and makes you a person of influence.
- Your Ability to Challenge the Status Quo. Being different often means thinking differently, and thinking differently leads to challenging the status quo. Those who challenge the status quo push boundaries, drive change, and move the world forward. This ability to effect change makes you irreplaceable.
In a world full of Cheerios, dare to be a Fruit Loop!
Embrace your differences, celebrate your uniqueness, and remember, it’s your differences that make you irreplaceable.
How to Be Your Most Authentic Self

Here are four things you can incorporate into your personal growth journey to start being your most authentic self.
- Embrace Uniqueness. It can’t be said enough. Your individuality is your greatest strength. Don’t shy away from being different. Embrace it. Your unique perspective and experiences are what set you apart from everyone else.
- Continuous Learning. Never stop learning. The world is constantly changing and evolving, and so should you. Keep up with the latest trends and information in areas you’re interested in, and always be open to new ideas and experiences.
- Resilience. Life is full of challenges and setbacks. But it’s not about how many times you fall, it’s about how many times you get back up. Resilience is a key trait in personal growth and success.
- Passion. Do what you love, and love what you do. Passion is the fuel that drives success and happiness. If you’re passionate about what you’re doing, you’re more likely to succeed and enjoy the journey along the way.
Over to you…
In today’s world and society, it has never been more difficult to be yourself, unfortunately. Most people look for ways to follow the herd, keep up with the Joneses, and compare themselves with others’ social media highlights than look for ways to stand out and be themselves.
My most sincere advice is to not let fear and criticism from others who don’t know your path stop you from going after your goals.
Remember this…the cost of being average is not fully realizing your potential. It’s the cost of missed opportunities, limited growth, and a lack of fulfillment. It’s the cost of letting life happen TO you, instead of making life happen FOR you.
So, how are you being a Fruit Loop in a world full of Cheerios? Chime in below. Inquiring minds wanna know!
Be different, stand out, and work your butt off.
Reba McEntire