Reasons Why People, Except You, Get Lucky

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Diligence is the mother of good luck.

Benjamin Franklin 

Have you ever wondered how and why people get lucky?

How many times have you heard people (or maybe even you) say, “Lucky things only happen to lucky people” or “He/She always gets lucky” or better yet “I never get lucky“?

Well, guess what? You, too, can be lucky AND today is your lucky day. 😉

It’s not a matter of chance, it’s a matter of choice.  Lucky people are uncommon people who create their own luck by practicing simple (though not always easy), luck-attracting habits!

What Luck Is Not

I want you now, today, to STOP thinking that luck is something that happens to certain people or that it’s something completely out of your conscious control.

Luck is therefore NOT a result of seemingly fortunate occurrences that make no sense.

It actually results from a series of seemingly unrelated coincidences that have culminated together as a result of the traits we cultivate, the mindset we project and the actions we take on a daily basis.

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The Psychology of Luck

One of the most interesting things about the psychology of luck is something called the “locus of control“. This is all about whether we believe we have control over the events in our lives or whether we think external factors like luck are responsible.

People who believe in luck and have an external locus of control might be less likely to take action to improve their situation because they think luck is outside of their control.

But those who believe they have control over their outcomes are more likely to take action and create opportunities for themselves.

Another interesting aspect of the psychology of luck is how our minds can play tricks on us. For example, we might experience “confirmation bias” which means we only notice events that confirm our belief in luck, while ignoring events that contradict it.

Overall, the psychology of luck is all about understanding why we think and feel the way we do about luck, and how our beliefs and attitudes can affect our experiences. Whether you believe in luck or not, understanding the psychology of luck can help you take more control over your life and create your own opportunities.

How You Can Get Lucky….Signs and Traits of a Lucky Person

Do you have the following traits? If so, consider yourself lucky, pun intended of course, because these are the traits of people who have that “luck attracting” factor.

These are the signs and traits of a lucky person that you need to cultivate!

  • Pleasant and approachable
  • Adventurous and likes to take (calculated) risks
  • Expects positive outcomes (instead of always focusing on the worst)
  • Open to new experiences
  • Lives in the moment
  • Finds the silver lining in the clouds
  • Proactive in building connections and networks
  • Actually listens to their intuition
  • Always learning
  • Works smart
  • Takes responsibility for their actions and exhibits accountability
  • Asks for what they want (and visualizes it occurring)
  • Learns from their mistakes (and not afraid to make them in the first place)

And so, ultimately, these traits are how some people seem luckier than others! I could go on but you get the gist, I hope.

How to Get Lucky

So getting lucky might sound easier said than done, right? How can you just one day wake up and have all of these traits?

Well, you don’t (at least not most people). And it’s okay.

What I want you to do is this.

Start a “luck journal” where you record all the good things that happen to you, no matter how small they may seem. Each day, take a few minutes to write down at least one good thing that happened to you.

  • It could be something as simple as finding a parking spot close to the store.
  • You got a compliment from a friend.
  • You found a quarter on the ground.
  • Someone let you in front of them in line at the grocery store.
  • You had all green lights in a row going to work this morning.
  • A meeting you didn’t want to go to got canceled.
  • A friend called you out of the blue with good news that brightened your day.

It doesn’t matter what it is. Write it down!

What does this do? Great question, you’ve asked my dear friend.

This helps you shift your focus towards the positive and cultivate a more grateful mindset. By consistently practicing gratitude in this way, you can start to change your mindset and attract more positive experiences into your life. You may also start to notice patterns and opportunities that you might have otherwise missed.

This is the most practical way I feel you can start being more lucky in your life.

Please don’t skip out on this exercise. You wanna be a luckier person, right? Well, whip out that notebook and get to writing boo! 😉

Still Questioning How To Be a Luckier Person?

Luck is a self-fulling prophecy, you see.

So why do you seem to have bad luck?

Because you think you do. That’s the simplest answer. As long as you keep thinking you’re an unlucky person, you will continue to be! Check signs and traits of a lucky person above and what you WON’T see is that he/she doesn’t feel like they’re unlucky.

So can you change your luck?

Absolutely, you can! Developing the traits of a lucky person takes time and effort, but by starting with small, practical steps like keeping a luck journal, you can begin to shift your mindset and create more positive experiences in your life.

Over to you

So, are you lucky?

Remember, luck isn’t as random as you may think. Rather, it’s about choices you make daily and synchronicity that propel you towards those “lucky” opportunities. I’m working everyday to be the luckiest chick around! 🙂

What about you? How are you creating your own luck? If you find yourself thinking other people are always lucky and not you, does this post give you pause for the cause to create your own luck from now on? Please share and good luck!

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Hiya, I'm Kesha. I'm the Head Escaper around these parts ready to help you break some rules, defy expectations, and create that juicytastic, wondermous, happyful life you want and deserve. Follow me on Instagram. Let's hang!

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