S1E1 – Escape The Comfort Zone
Escape The Comfort Zone
In order to escape your normal, you have to get out of your comfort zone more often than not. In this episode, we talk about how you know if you’re living in a comfort zone, how to move from the comfort zone to the courage zone, and establish a new philosophy.

Over to you…
Thank ya oodles for listening! Now, how are you going to step out of YOUR comfort zone?
Resources Talked About
The Courage Zone vs the Comfort Zone

The Credo. / E.S.C.A.P.E. Framework
Life is too short to settle for mediocrity. That’s why I’ve created the E.S.C.A.P.E. credo, a set of six principles that I live by and that I believe can help you unlock your FULL potential.
The Manifesto. / Take the Magical Pledge
Check out the Escape Normal Manifesto and take the pledge to join me in creating a world where people like you can DARE to be different.
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We all have a story to share and other Escapers need to hear your voice and how you’ve escaped YOUR normal.
Just click here to send me your deets and we’ll consider you for an upcoming show. Let’s do this!