7 Techniques to Improve Self-Confidence

techniques to improve self confidence
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A lot of the things I talk about here on Escape Normal involves personally excelling, DOing and BEing you, and blowing mediocrity out of the water in every aspect of your existence, killing it in this game of life.

Ultimately, my goal is for all of us to “live our way into life.”

Huh? What the heck does that mean?

Great question, my dahling! It means that you are no longer okay with just being okay. That you make conscious decisions to be the grandest version of the highest vision you set for yourself.

But guess what? You can’t do any of that without improving your self-confidence.

You see, once you nail the self-confidence piece, you’re pretty much unstoppable, for realz!

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.

E.E. Cummings

I’ve found that when I know more about myself, when I accomplish even the smallest of things I set out to do, when I know I’m worthy of what I want, I tend to go after more and do more and achieve more.

When I don’t do what I need to do to get what I want, I know it boils down to not having the self-confidence to push through whatever fears or concerns I have. This is what doing in spite of fear means. Having the self-confidence to go after it (whatever IT is for you) anyway.

✨That time I finished a half-marathon even when I didn’t think I would ever make it.

✨That time I flirted and expressed interest in a guy – even though I’m an introvert – and it ended up being the BEST relationship I’ve ever had!

✨That time I put myself out there and showed up even though I was afraid of rejection and ridicule…

Just a few examples of ways I garnered the courage to do things that stemmed from having the self-confidence I needed to do it!

Why Improve Self-Confidence

Simple. Because studies have shown a strong relationship between self-confidence and positive mental health. Who doesn’t want better mental health?

When you actively work to boost your self-confidence, you can protect yourself against attention problems, anxiety, depression, and negative self-talk.

The result is:

  • More confident action in the direction of your goals
  • More positive relationships in your life
  • A higher self-esteem
  • A greater sense of self-worth
  • Better coping skills
  • Greater enjoyment and happiness in life
  • And so so so much more!

7 Techniques to Improve Self-Confidence

So that’s all fine and dandy, Kesh. But how do I go about boosting my self-confidence?

Another great question, pumpkin!

It’s really not as hard as you think; simple even. Notice I didn’t say easy; rather, simple.

First, let me mention one thing. You have to first feel you’re worthy…that’s called self-esteem (how you feel about yourself overall).

Once you say YES to that, then you’re ready to move on to build up your self-confidence (which is how you feel about your abilities to act).

So here we go. Try these 7 techniques for improving self-confidence on for size:

  1. Do more. Essentially, the more you do something (and properly), the more confident you feel in your ability to perform. This is especially true of skills you’re trying to hone. Note: If you’re lazy, this won’t work!
  2. Start with the little things. Set small goals and crush ’em! The more things you accomplish, the more confidence you have to keep killing it. So start small and slowly but surely, get bigger and bigger until you finally look up and say, “Man, I never thought I’d complete/do/have that.”
  3. Show up. Sometimes, all it takes is for you to show up. In every business meeting, conference, and retreat I’ve attended, the one consistent, clear message on how to be successful is to first show up!
  4. Dress up. Okay, you may have heard this before but seriously y’all…this is one of the few external things you can do to boost your confidence. When you look good, you feel good, right?!
  5. Honoring fear and negativity. So usually you hear about banishing fear and thinking positively and, yes, those things have their place but only after you’ve acknowledged and honored your fear. See, unfortunately, we WILL experience fear and negativity. Yes, it’s pure suckage but it’s inevitable. So once you begin to experience it, say “I see you. I got you. I know you exist.” Then you can move on and figure out what you need to do DESPITE fear. Trying to hurriedly remove fear, doubt, and negativity from your thoughts may not be your best plan of action.
  6. Know thyself. Every day, make it a goal to get to know yourself more. I believe the more we know ourselves, the more confident we are in our actions. You’ll understand how you feel and why, how you react in certain situations, your values and what you stand for. It takes constant introspection because we change and grow (or should be anyway) with new experiences.
  7. Prepare yourself. Getting ready to do a presentation at work? Wanna walk a 5k? Test coming up? Well, guess what? You must be prepared first! Confidence comes from knowing you’re prepared to handle the task at hand. As Zen Habits puts it, “Now think of life as your exam, and prepare yourself.

Over to you…

Low self-confidence is not wired into your DNA. You don’t need anyone else’s stamp of approval or push. It really does start within. You have complete control to do something about boosting your self-confidence!

To build unstoppable confidence simply starts with snatching back your positive view of yourself. No, it won’t happen overnight. It’s a process just like anything else worthwhile in life.

But you will ultimately become more powerful, courageous, and successful in everything you do!

Do you ever feel like it’s impossible to improve your self-confidence? What are some things you can share that helps you stay confident despite fear?

Follow my suggestions and let me know how it works out for you!

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Hiya, I'm Kesha. I'm the Head Escaper around these parts ready to help you break some rules, defy expectations, and create that juicytastic, wondermous, happyful life you want and deserve. Follow me on Instagram. Let's hang!

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